The FUTURE fund is an endowment fund supporting rural schools to empower leaders in the Amazon
Our cause
These schools emphasize vocational training in harmony with the local ecosystem. The curriculum is designed to attend to the region’s uniqueness. In remote riverside communities, which are the initial focus of the project, students alternate between 15 days at the schools and 15 days with their families. Graduates are integrated into the local economy centered on agro-extractive industries such as açaí and fishing.
The objectives of the FUTURE Fund are the institutional development of the Schools and improvements to their management, ensuring their financial self-sufficiency and the continuity of the educational programs.

How it works

The reality of the schools
However, these transfers are intermittent and insufficient which leads to frequent interruptions and delays in the academic calendar and results in student dropout.
In addition, poor reporting of expenditures to FUNDEB by local community associations limits access to new public resources and contributes to the vicious circle we intend to break.
The impact of FUTURE

Our location
Structure and Governance

Endowment Fund

Management Association
Associação Gestora do Fundo Patrimonial FUTURE
Fundraising and Administrative and Financial Management of the Funds

Partner Institutions Supported by the Fund
Local Community Associations supporting the Family Agricultural Schools

Board of Directors
Strategic decisions and supervision of the executive management

Investment Committee
Makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on the Investment Policy and rules of withdrawal and disbursement of the funds.

Audit Committee
Provides opinions regarding the financial statements and the transactions carried out within the fiscal year.

Advisory Committee
Makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on the Schools’ eligibility criteria and pedagogical guidelines and evaluates impact.

Wilson Gimenez Júnior
Audit Committee

Wagner d’Onofrio Júnior
Audit Committee

Antônio Bunchaft
Advisory Committee

Raimunda Kelly Gomes
Advisory Committee

Mariana Chaubet
Advisory Committee

Elice Nobre
Advisory Committee

Alberto Gaidys
Comitê de Investimentos

Paulo Haus Martins
Board of Directors

Patrícia Palomo
Board of Directors

Eduardo Nicácio
Board of Directors

Aldemir Santos Corrêa
Board of Directors.
Support us
The FUTURE Fund manages financial resources from associations, public and private foundation , companies, organizations, “family offices”, and individuals.
For more information, please send a message to